Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Google's Push for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Integration: AdSense Auto Ads

There has been a big push in many different companies to add more artificial intelligence into their business, and Google is not an exception. Today, Google introduced AdSense Auto ads, which is a powerful new way to use machine learning to make smart placement and monetization decisions on behalf of publishers.

Auto Ads will take on the task of selecting placement — from figuring out how many advertisements to put on specific pages to where to put them as well as what kind of advertisements will run! Google applies machine learning to not only figure out advertisements placement but also to ingest analytics for how well that advertisement performs. The system will then use the data to "teach" itself how to better place the advertisements in the future.

Sounds Amazing, right? But that's not all.

Here are some benefits Auto ads can provide:

  • Optimization: Using machine learning, Auto ads will select the right advertisements for the right audience — in other words, it will choose ads with the highest potential for performance and user experience.
  • Revenue Opportunities: Auto ads will increase your revenue by identifying any and available ad space and placing new advertisements.
  • Easy to Use: All you need is to place the ad code on your page once! There's no need to change the code again — simply turn them on and off with the flick of a switch!

On the other hand, there are some concerns regarding the decision of how many advertisements Google Auto Ads will place on a page. This thread on Webmaster World details how some of the early beta testers were not pleased about how many ads ended up crowding their pages, and what that did to the user experience on the site.

Will this be Google AdSense's pitfall? Will Google allow users to limit the number of units that Auto Ads can place on a page? This would also highlight questions about how well Google's judgment will be in all cases.

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